Support Plus 2 Vers with a donation

Plus 2 Vers is a mutual assistance website to easily begin a worm composting solution.

Plus 2 Vers is managed and animated by the french association Les Boîtes Vertes, considered as community service.

Except user donations, the association has no other revenues (No subventions, no advertising, …).

If you like the support platform, make a donation to support Plus 2 Vers!

Donations are essential for Plus 2 Vers

The association invests its own funds in promoting vermicomposting. Each support gives us the opportunity to do a little more every day.

The association Les Boîtes Vertes manages and runs the site. The association receives no funding other than donations from users to operate and run the site.
Donations are used exclusively to run the site (hosting, maintenance, development, etc.).

To find out more

User evaluation of the last 2 months :

8.9/10 !

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