You’ve got an incredible talent !

Plus 2 Vers is a Website based on solidarity that works thanks to a community of donors which is growing very quickly.

But Plus 2 Vers is also a Website that gives you information on vermicomposting methods.

Developing and maintaining a Website is time-consuming. It takes a lot of time to work on the contents, illustrations and pieces of advice to give to our readers. All this time is now financed through the other activities of the association which themselves also demand a lot of time.

In short, the association cannot spend too much time on Plus 2 Vers at the expense of the other activities.

Everybody has got a hidden or well-known talent !  You’ve got an incredible TALENT !

Like everyone, each of us has got some hidden or apparent talents. You can be good at drawing, writing, speaking several languages …

And you, what are you good at ?

Plus 2 Vers needs you !

Now, you must have understood that Plus 2 Vers has limited financial means and really needs you to expand the Website.

We could easily call for donations to finance the time needed for the job but we find it smarter and better to use your skills and expertise if you could only give us a bit of your time.

If you just want to make a donation, click here !

It’s not a matter of working in our place but rather a way of participating in the project.

Are you an expert at spotting spelling, grammar or printing errors ?

I know that these are my weak points and I am really frustrated about it. Emmanuelle (Plumebis) has already helped us so much in re-reading the French pages and articles and this voluntary work has taken so much of her time.

Many thanks to her for all her help and time.

If you’re good at noticing spelling or printing errors, then you are the one who can help us !

How can you do it ? : Whenever you notice some errors, you can send us by e-mail the URL link of the page as well as the corrections to be made.

Can you translate some pages into English, German, Spanish or Italian? Or just re-read some pages in those languages ?

All the Website pages have already been translated into English, German, Spanish and Italian. But the technical vocabulary of vermicomposting is not that easy to translate and it can always be improved.

How can you do it ? : Whenever you notice some errors, you can send us by e-mail the URL link of the page as well as the corrections to be made.

You love drawing worms ?

A Web site without any drawings looks so sad !

You are gifted for drawing and you feel like sharing your work and being helpful ? Then, you can propose your drawings, illustrations or explanatory patterns on worms…

Last year, Léa made a few drawings of worms which now illustrate different pages. Did you notice them ?

How can you do it ? : You can send us your drawings by e-mail – don’t forget to sign them. They can be computer generated or just scanned.

You feel like writing ?

A blog needs articles to give some advice, present some material, tell stories …

You feel like talking about vermicomposting, present some material in details, mention some important technical points ?

Then, you can become a ‘Writer’ on the Web site and propose your articles directly. You can concentrate only on writing. We will take care of the layout and the addition of the illustrations.

For example, Mégane recently created the pages which invite you to support Plus 2 Vers without spending a single cent. She did not meet any problems to build the whole page without knowing how to handle a Web site.

How can you do it ? : Your account will give you access to the ‘Web site administration’ and you will be able to write down your articles online. For safety reasons, you won’t be able to modify what’s already online. You will only be able to modify your own pages.


You feel like becoming a lobbyist ?

Web sites are also a matter of networks. Providing information about Plus 2 Vers to networks that could be interested in vermicomposting is very important. Popularizing Plus 2 Vers abroad is crucial for the success of our translating work.


How can you do it ? : You can talk about Plus 2 Vers in your networks just by giving the Website link with a short description of our activities and some keywords. You feel like doing more ? You’d like to animate social networks ? Everything is possible !


How can we get organized ?

As I have told you, there are loads of things to do – I already have the list of the pages to re-read and translate – so we must get organized to optimize everybody’s job.

How can we do it ? : If you feel like helping us, the only thing to do at first is to complete the form below and tell us what you can and want to do. The important thing for me is to divide the work between the volunteers according to the needs and the work in progress.

There is no obligation or commitment on your part. You participate only if you want to and according to your capacities. I am the one who will adjust to the job you are doing.

If you want to help Plus 2 Vers, you can complete the form below :

What is your talent ?

In which language ?

12 + 4 =


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